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Ambulance, fire department and police                           112

Faro hospital                                                                 289 891100

National telephone enquires                                           12 118

International telephone enquires                                                177

Airport - general number                                               289 800800

Tourist office faro                                                          289 800400

Tourist support line                                                       800 296296

Almancil clinic                                                               289 390870

Medical centre in vale formoso                                       289 395820

Dental clinic - almancil                                                  289 399749

Dental clinic - quinta shopping                                       289 392339

Dr. Thompson surgery quinta do Lago                            289 398411

Dr. Thompson surgery vale do Lobo                               289 398009

Chemist in the centre of Almancil                                   289 395611

Hairdresser yvecel in Almancil                                        289 395684

Barringtons                                                                   289 396622

Taxis                                                                            289 399998

Algarve t                                                                       289 352525

Hotel d. Filipa                                                                289 357200

Hotel quinta do Lago                                                     289 350350

Hotel ria park                                                                289 359800


Be aware that telephone calls are very expensive in Portugal. 


Useful country codes:


Portugal            00 351             

ireland              00 353             

france               00 33

Uk                    00 44               

germany           00 49

Usa                  00 1                 

Belgium                        00 32               

Denmark           00 45

Finland             00 358             

spain                00 33               

norway             00 47

Netherlands      00 31               

sweden             00 46               

switzerland       00 41


You can call 050 50044 and request a transfer call to any number in the uk.



      Irbosol SGPS : Estate Centre, Estrada das Pereiras, 8135-105 Almancil, Algarve, Portugal
Tel: (+351) 289 351 500 Fax: (+351) 289 351 509
Email : geral [at] irbosol.com
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